Ring of the Picos 3 Macizos Non Stop – Julio Cernuda Sergio Besoy


Summary of  Ring of Picos 3 macizos, undertaken by  Sergio Besoy y Julio Cernuda in 23h and 24min.

El anillo de Picos is a course of all the refuges of the European Peaks on three different levels:

-El anillo Vindio which entails the Refuge of Vega de Ario, Vegarredonda y Vegabaño, all located in the occidental mass.

-El anillo Extrem which entails the Refuge of the Occidental and the Central mass combined,

Collado Jermoso, Cabaña Verónica, Urriellu y Cabrones.

-El anillo 3 macizos which unites all three refuges including the Oriental mass, Casetón de Ándara y la Terenosa en el central.

All the courses are done over 4 days or more depending on the chosen level.

Sergio Besoy y Julio Cernuda completed the anillo 3 macizos of 118km and some +8.000m of elevation in 23hours and 24 minutes leaving and arriving at the Bed and Breakfast of Valdeón. Although the sensation, not long after beginning this colossal adventure, the weather forced the closing of the second Anillo de Picos Non Stop.



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